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Call To Action

[title type=”icon” align=”left” line=’yes’ icon=”fa-star” color=”#ffffff” bg_color=”#cc3333″ value=’Call To Action’ line_align=”bottom” uppercase=”no”]
[call_to_action effect=”fadeInUp” title=”Awesome WordPress Theme” btn_title=”Purchase The Theme”]
Do you looking for an awesome wordpress theme for your website?
[call_to_action effect=”bounceIn” title=”Awesome WordPress Theme” size=”small” btn_size=”default” btn_title=”Purchase The Theme”]
Do you looking for an awesome wordpress theme for your website?
[title type=”icon” align=”left” line=’yes’ icon=”fa-star” color=”#ffffff” bg_color=”#cc3333″ value=’Call To Action Bar’ line_align=”bottom” uppercase=”no”]
[call_to_action_bar effect=”flash” title=”Awesome WordPress Theme” size=”small” btn_title=”Purchase The Theme” btn_size=”default”]
Do you looking for an awesome wordpress theme for your website?
[call_to_action_bar effect=”fadeInUp” title=”Awesome WordPress Theme” btn_title=”Purchase The Theme” btn_type=”btn-custom” bg_color=”#1BC4DE” bg_hover_color=”#00b3ce” txt_color=”#ffffff” txt_hover_color=”#cef8ff”]
Do you looking for an awesome wordpress theme for your website?
[title type=”icon” align=”left” line=’yes’ icon=”fa-code” color=”#ffffff” bg_color=”#cc3333″ value=’Call To Action Shortcode’ line_align=”bottom” uppercase=”no”]

[call_to_action effect="none/fadeInUp/more.." title="" size="" btn_title="" btn_size="" btn_type="" size="" url="" target="" bg_color="" bg_hover_color="" txt_color="" txt_hover_color=""]

[call_to_action_bar effect="none/fadeInUp/more.." title="" desc="" size="" btn_title="" btn_size="" btn_type="" size="" url="" target="" bg_color="" bg_hover_color="" txt_color="" txt_hover_color=""]

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