All the while, the truth was that all of the celibrities were in fact wearing wigs, but not just any type of wig – full lace wigs. No one would have suspected such a thing until popular African American figures such as Beyonce and Tyra Banks began to be seen in public on a day-to-day basis with lovely, straight locks flowing. Doesn’t the hair straightening process eventually damage the hair, we asked? How can their perfectly straight hair look so good?
What is a Full Lace Wig Video!
So now that the cat’s out of the bag, a lot of people are catching on fast to the quality of a full lace wig and its effectiveness. When applied correctly, the wigs are virtually indistinguishable from the average natural head of hair. It can be parted in any way that a person chooses, and even upon close examination, it is difficult to notice the wig.
For many, the reaction to this new fashion trend is that it’s too good to be true. Why only now, can we purchase something once, which has the potential to benefit us for a lifetime? We have become so conditioned to spending hundreds and even thousands of dollars at a hairdressers for temporary hair extensions, completely oblivious to the fact that full lace wigs offer everything we have been wishing for. How can we have only found out about this now? Unfortunately, because of the intense scrutiny female celebrities suffer from the media, the publication of such products have been diluted. The great thing is that we now know the truth.
What exactly are full lace wigs?
Full lace wigs is a special type of wigs which are made with lace which sits on and covers your whole head. With a full lace wig, glue or tape is usually required unless you order a glue-less cap, which can sometimes be a little more expensive, but are definitely worth the investment. The wigs typically have a freestyle parting, which allows you to style your hair in whichever way you see fit, but safe in the knowledge that your results will definitely be of the purest quality. Whether you want to wear your hair in an up-do, a ponytail, or even just to expose the nape of your neck, a full lace wig allows you to work however you want it to. You can treat a full lace wig as you would your regular hair.
How do I choose a full lace wig?
It is your own personal taste and style that will help you to choose the kind of full lace wig you purchase. You should consider some basic things such as the hair materials, length, color, thickness and the style of the wig. A strong recommendation on our part is that you opt for a wig which is longer than your real hair, as more length gives you not only a suppleness, but the opportunity to work with your hairstyle and experiment with different styles. Of course, you can also experiment with different colors, but it is advised that you stick with what you already know. If brighter colors are your thing, then opt for a blonde full lace wig, since it will allow the bright color to be developed to its maximum potential.
How do I maintain a full lace wig?
You should maintain new wig as you would maintain your regular hair. That means washing it often, protecting it from heat and ensuring that it is knot-free. However, it is advised to visit your local stylist every few weeks to ensure that the full lace wig is still properly applied, and is not causing any damage to your scalp or natural hair.
Any more question about full lace wigs, please kindly let’s know your comments.
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